Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Are You Serious?

Let’s see if I got this right? An international financial cartel (IFC) developed exotic financial instruments that are not examined, regulated nor understood by government authorities. IFC’s business model begins to implode because of a predictable design flaw. IFC agents in the executive, judicial and congressional branches of government go into action.

Their job is to convince the American taxpaying majority to accept liability for debt created by the IFC. First they create a story of how the global economy would have crashed in 2008 if they had not stopped a run on their banks. To date no one has been identified as the perpetrator of this run.

This bank run could be another J P Morgan fat finger script from the 1920’s. Next they threaten the taxpaying majority (TTM) with martial law if Americans did not guarantee a $23 trillion dollars plus largess. IFC cadres promise to repay TTM and turn the economy around.

IFC talks about fighting deflation even as they orchestrate an economic downturn. After IFC receives $350 billion it decides to keep the money instead of making loans. A lack of lending only makes the economic environment worst. IFC concocts a new scheme. Remember IFC is broke and the sovereign debt crisis is their way of getting bailed-out.

IFC an insolvent banking model that borrowed billions of dollars from TTM at 0.25% begins to purchase treasury securities while charging TTM interest at 3.25 %. How is this achieved? Through deficit spending. If the airport body scanner was the gas chambers of Auschwitz would you walk through?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ninja and derivatives

Ninja was able to acquire mortgages in the billions of dollars. Yet Ninja was only the fuse, the wick, the accelerant that started the fire. By acting as the igniter, Ninja has become the Osama Bin Laden of a global MBS industry. In 2005 the FBI raised concern about a massive mortgage fraud rolling down the housing industry path.
Teaser loans, liar loans, interest only loans or no income loans became legitimate lending transaction. Trying to protect Banks form their lack of fiduciary duty and due diligence will not solve a global financial fraud. Does a house foreclosed because of a fraudulent default by Ninja qualify as a clear title instrument held as a bank asset?
Does a bank have a right to sell a sliced and diced mortgage plus assign the new mortgage to another MBS? The great depression generation would say “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”. Bottom line is municipalities, pension fund and global investor were sold bonds that were created, designed and expected to implode.
In fact the chumps, suckers and bamboozled are those that are being penalized for doing the right thing by paying their property taxes.
Why would a lobbied, purchased and paid for congress encourage the housing industry a make loan to someone with no income, no job and no assets? The taxpaying majority (TTM) now realize the serious money is made when the mortgage is in default.
This is why does TTM own AIG. The big money is being made by those who took out insurance on an inevitable housing crash. Tranches were designed and sold according the length of time it would take Ninja to stop paying the mortgage. Is this another form of fraud, racketeering and theft? It’s no different from a hot water heater that breaks down one month after it warranty expires.
An appliance malfunction is scientifically and mathematically calculated base on stress, metal fatigue or chip design. Banks are foreclosing on properties that are underwater in value, marking them above market price and exchanging these toxic assets for treasuries. Qualified borrower might end purchasing property at inflated prices with a defected title.
Investment banks, title companies, rating agencies and insurance companies may be liable for breach of warranty representation in an MBS pool but TTM will pay the bill. The MBS debt could be as high as $40 trillion. When it comes to congress doing the biding of it master both political parties have no hesitation.
Congress passed legislation which grandfathers, circumvents and repeals title procedures regarding property. If a notary can sign and stamp a document before a borrower’s signature is penned on the agreement, notary guidelines been repealed. Does the current owner of a repossessed property continue paying down a mortgage on house where an illegal eviction took place?
Will banks once again become insolvent because MERS owes municipalities hundreds o f billions in deflating dollars. TTM have a clearer picture of a planned multi-decade scams that has left it holding a bag full of caca. The Federal Reserve chairman has not denied systematic weakness lead to improper foreclosures.
In other words some repossessed homes are now occupied by borrowers who legally could be trespassing. When the chairman of the Federal Reserve takes violations of proper procedures seriously it is an admission to deficiencies within a global MBS market. What the chairman did not acknowledge was the currency plunge that took place on 10/22/2010, Friday evening after markets closed.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Rocks and Hard Places

The Taxpaying Majority (TTM) has not forgotten about those toxic assets the “To Big To Fail” exchanged for treasury instruments. Those toxic assets such as MBS, CDO, CDS and other forms of derivative were said to be worth pennies on the dollar and backed by the housing market.

Remember pennies are those ancient, barbaric relics that cost more to produce then what they are able to purchase. What can TTM buy with a penny, nothing? Toxic Assets (underwater homes mortgages) were swapped for the full faith and credit of the US Government instruments.

It was the sub-prime implosion that initiated the current financial crisis. Now that banks are assuming title to their toxic assets, will they be able to meet requirements set by Basel 3? Can municipalities expect property tax payments from TBTF?

If a private banking institution forecloses on a property will congress stop looking further into the racketeering, scams and fraud? It was not only banks that are party to a flawed document process. How can banks proceed with foreclosures when others involved in the document process may have committed fraud?

Flawed documents were submitted by rating agencies, realtors, mortgage brokers, lawyers, appraisers and other involved in the process. TTM has not forgotten about the traunches. Where a mortgage was chopped into piece, each piece was repackaged into a separate pool and sold as AAA paper.

Which part of the mortgage that was sold to the Fannie and Freddie does the bank own? Does the central bank FRS also need to get these toxic assets of it books in order to comply with Basel 3? Then there is Ninja with no income, no job, no assets or address. Check with FBI field agents who raised a red flag back in 2005.

It is only through a conquered, captured and controlled government such a massive treasury heist continues to take place. TTM realizes that all three branches of government have abandon their fiduciary duty and capitulated, compromised and cede to an International Financial Cartel (IFC).

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Greatest Threat

US military might is watched globally with shock and awe. The US military which can deploy assets on, under and above any surface on the planet has encountered an enemy with a Dooms Day Weapon (DDW). This DDW is another ancient, barbaric relic which once again has been summoned from the abyss.

Use of this DDW could be why the US forces find itself bogged down in a protracted engagement in the Middle East? What type of enemy assets is the US military encountering on the battlefield? No air power, no space weapons or sea power only an occasional IED and thousands of AK 47s. God bless the US bravest and finest for their sacrifices.

Al Qaeda, Taliban, Terrorism or Islamic extremist have no military equivalent to US weaponry. So what is the DDW supporting a ragtag battlefield opponent? Who is the power behind terrorism? Who is laundering money for the enemy? How is the enemy able to keep the deception, distraction and delusion going?

First they must capture, control and compromise western governments into doing their bid. Western Governments that have been infiltrated by treasonous, unpatriotic agents involved in a global ponzi scheme. This is probably how an International Financial Cartel (IFC) reinvented the ultimate weapon that has bought down many western powers.

The IFC profits from the illusion of fiat deficit spending and perpetuates the myth of the necessity of all forms of income tax confiscation. Dropping fiat currencies from black helicopter (QE2) is not the same as the taxpaying majority (TTM) depositing money into banks that make loans to entrepreneurs.

Deficit spending is proving to be the Greatest Threat and ultimate DDW to the U S of A, the taxpaying majority and its military service personnel

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Deflation Begets Hyperinflation

The taxpaying majority (TTM) are about to experience the endgame of a deflationary fiat currency. In the future a shopping cart of fiat dollars used to purchase a grocery bag of food is not only deflationary but exemplifies hyperinflation. TTM may ask how a thousand fold increases in the amount of dollars needed to make such a purchase be deflationary and hyper inflationary.

Because TTM’s currency is tied to lobbying and purchasing a capitulated, captured and controlled government it is easy to become conned by this deflationary sleight of hand. TTM must remember that the purchasing power of their currency is being exterminated with extreme prejudice every time government deficit spends, prints dollars and abuses its credit line beyond what is needed to continue governance.

Deficit printing and borrowing dollars only acerbates and delays a day of reckoning when hyperinflation will come roaring to life. As the purchasing power of the dollar deflates prices will have to decrease to fight of hyperinflation. One way of keeping prices down is by lying off more employees. At the same time the equities stock market experiences inflation by computerized front running deep pool HFT as synthetic profits yield obscene commissions and bonuses in a 21% unemployment environment.

TTM is no longer able to borrow a half a million dollars to purchase a price depreciating, deflating housing asset through undisciplined, unregulated and abusive debt financing because of a collapsing credit market. Therefore the price of housing will continue to fall until an acceptable universal accounting, rating and leveraging system is reestablished.

Meanwhile inside the Euro zone Greek interest rates inflate as global investors prepare to pour monies into a illusionary secure deflating interest rate in US Treasuries. The bottom of a deflating credit market must include an unwinding of a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives market. The credit market collapse continues to fuel the current deflationary recession.

As banks hoard monies acquired through a false flag financial operation they prohibit the expansion of credit which is one essential ingredient required to inflate the economy out of the current recession.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Can The Fed meet Basel benchmarks?

The Taxpaying Majority has not read the two thousand plus page financial reform bill that was recently passed by a congress that also didn’t read the bill. It is possible banking lobbyist submitted legislation that will finally rescue the banking system.

Being proactive, lobbyist may have inserted stringed measures, which meet Basel 3 rules and will prevent another bank bailout? Based on the Fed’s balance sheet can it meet capital requirements set under Basel 3? Can the Fed successfully lobby the Senate and President to translate into law and regulation requirements set under the Basel 3 rules?

Will passage of Basel 3 financial requirements prevent another trillion-dollar financial stimulus package as due date approach? Can the Federal Reserve System (FRS) meet a minimum common equity requirement of 4.5% plus a capital conservation buffer of 2.5%?

How much in dollars is 10% of Fed total capital? Will selling toxic asset back to bailed out banks qualify the Fed as compliant before January 1, 2015? What will be the new leverage ratio under Basel 3? What will returns look like under greater constraints on earnings distribution,discretionary bonuses and high dividends?

Will a counter cyclical buffer prevent another round of excess aggregate credit growth such as in the treasury market? How much is a minimum Tier 1 leverage ratio of 3%? Will a combination of capital surcharges; contingent capital and bail-in debt regulate the Fed sufficiently to prevent another credit crises.

According the Basel 3 rules the Fed has 2 years and 3 months to get its act in order.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Can Congress nix Treason?

Treason is at least as old as the creation story of the Christian bible. A beautiful angel was cast out of Heaven because she betrayed God. According to the Garden of Eden story the Serpent betrayed Eve and Eve betrayed Adam. Treason has never been a positive act.

Treason has never been subject to the authority of any political philosophy, government or body of laws. The US Constitution can only highlight the negativity of treason. Treason and the consequence of being found guilty of the act have survived the rise and fall of many nations.

The US congress has tried to repealed Treason by changing laws, ignoring others laws, to outright redefining an Act of Treason. Congress currently indulges in these acts in order to accumulating a debased currency that is slowly becoming worthless. The taxpaying majority (TTM) has accepted the fact that congress can be bought.

Recent history has shown that people can lie to congress, government agencies and expect no retribution for the act of lying. Is it treasonous to inflate the bond market through deficit spending? If the US Bond market should collapse could United States of America continue to wage war in Iran, Yemen or Pakistan?

An international financial cartel (IFC), which is America’s number one enemy is well aware of this Achilles’ heel. When the time is right IFC will have no quorum pulling the plug on the military of U S of A.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dollar backed by Debt

The US dollar is backed by debt. The Federal Reserve note is not created out of thin air, electronically or by a printing press it is debt. It is no longer backed by the full faith and credit of the US government as its credit rating spirals down the food chain.

Government’s inability to rein in spending, Afghanistan war, Iraq govern less, North Korea aggression and lost of AAA rating is self evident.The taxpaying majority live in a physical conscious realm although there other dimension in flux. It is commonly exposed that the dollar is a fiat currency back by nothing.

The dollar decoupled from a Brettonwood gold system which was the nail in the coffin for the victor’s agreement. The dollar also decouples from its petrol agreement when Saddam Hussein and other States accepts payments in other currency.

If the Chinese’s demand gold for payment of treasury redemption the taxpaying majority (TTM) will find itself back at the precipice. The irony of the situation is the dollar is now backed by debt as United States escalates its position as the largest debtor. Yet the very same debt is also the demise of the dollars hegemony.

The strength of the dollar is its ability by government to produce quantities through deficit spending. It is alleged that every citizen of U S of A owes somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000 on a growing national debt. The national debt is in reality an uncollected tax.

The tax with interest growing exponentially by the second will double in shorter increments even if the FRS does not QE 2. An exponentially expending tax will take less time to double as long as there is an increasing outstanding balance. Deficit spending could not, is not and will not stop the national debt from doubling.

It has become a scam, a ponzi scheme and a rip off. The Federal Reserve System has to pursue, promote and prolong government debt financing in order to stable its business model and make an obscene pornographic profit (OPP).

A controlled Congress must perpetuate spending more dollars then it is taking in through all forms of taxes. How does a bankrupt, bailed-out and broken banking system earn trillions of dollars which it loans to an unwilling taxpaying majority? Should the federal government create money it cannot repay?

Understand the FRS is a private international financial cartel (IFC) with ownership from around the globe. How this private IFC is able to amass trillions in OPP. Money is not produced out of thin air. This concept is the stuff of fairy tales, magic and an illusion.

Every dollar that is created by deficit spending is an uncollected tax that must be paid in full by TTM. Someday TTM will pull back the curtain after withdrawing from its debt addiction. TTM will find that the IFC was, is and will continue to be the ultimate tax collector.

Deficit spending is a mechanism used to purchase power by controlling government. The end game could be the impoverishment of TTM, the collapse of the dollar and the demise of the shining city on the hill.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

We are there

Social Security benefits will exceed revenues in 2010. Paying full Social Security benefits when the system is broken only make a deteriorating situation worse.

Do not believe for one second that the smart ones in Washington are not aware how the recession is wreaking havoc on the social security system. When the economy recovers will the millions of jobs lost return?

If US of A slips into a Japanese’s style deflationary cycle it could be decades before the economy recovers. SS is on the brink and does not have much time left.

Deflation is already devastating income as taxpayers are forced to take one, two or three day furloughs without pay. Food inflation deflates the purchasing power of the dollar. Small business revenues are also deflating.

Will the economic recovery be another jobless return to prosperity? From where will the revenue needed to finance SS come from? A 30-year reserve fund paying full benefits even though the trust fund is being raided, abused and misused will implode.

Reform proposal only extend and delay a day of reckoning. Should US of A enter into a period of hyperinflation due to say QE 2 social security could not keep pace with the cost of living.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oil Spin

The oil that was release due to an incident in the gulf is not GONE. If gulf residents do not see oil it does not mean it has disappeared. BP PLC wants the public to believe they have developed the technology to overcome pressures pushing a volcanic gusher of oil to the surface.

Oil continues to leak into the Gulf through cracks in the gulf floor. Much of the oil never made it to the surface and is still a threat to humans, sea life and marshes. Here is an elementary math problem. A volcanic oil gusher spewed 100,000 barrels of oil a day into the gulf.

A barrel of oil is around 45 gallons. After 100 days how much crude would have polluted the gulf. The answer is 450,000,000 gallons. Yes, oil dissolves in water naturally over time. Question is how time is “naturally over time”.

If 152 million gallons is three-quarters where is the 53 million gallons of oil? Evaporation or dissolving is not the same as GONE. If the oil evaporated then 50 million gallons of oil is in the atmosphere as a gas.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why are TTM paying taxes?

The taxpaying majority (TTM) ability to pay down the national debt, if it was not in the midst of a recession, has been kicked down the road to yet another unborn generations. These unborn generations are accumulating interest debt and will be born into debt slavery.

Its slowly becoming clear how a captured congress is borrowing more money from an international financial cartel (IFC) above and beyond what is needed to cover puffed budget deficits. These access bonds will have to disappear through an incident similar to the destruction of buildings on 9/11.

When law and order finally returns to Washington DC someday, computer records will reveal skeletons in financial closets. In the meantime access cash is being used to prop a synthetic stock market, which is churning volume through HFT.

Both political parties are participating in this treasonous, obscene fraud, which incrementally dissolves the constitution, US sovernity and purchasing power of the US dollar.

When the federal government barrows more money then it needs to cover deficit spending, it exposes the folly, pillage, plunder and obscenity of federal, state and local income taxes. Congress could borrow for example $3 quadrillion dollars from the foreign owners of the Federal Reserve System.

Congress could pay off the US national debt, and balances the global derivatives market. This action would be inflationary and deflationary at an accelerated pace instead of the boiling frog method currently utilized.

If all those that hold US government debt conducted a run on treasuries at fire sale prices global printing presses do not have the capacity to produce enough $100 bills to satisfy demand. Maybe oil interest is buying US treasuries out of London similar to how they bought gold around $800 per ounce before it crashed to $260.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

GDP breaks Taxpayers

Deficit spending is a clear sign the taxpaying majority (TTM) is up side down when it come to national fiscal prudence. How long can the largess of the taxpaying majority (TTM) also sustain the weight of a synthetic free capitalist stock market? There is nothing free about today stock market.

It has cost TTM trillions of borrowed dollar from the very same institutions that are artificially stimulating market through fast trading in dark pools. Has anyone done a comparison between the lengths of pages to bills passed by congress, the purchasing power of the US dollar and physical debasement of its currency?

How much more insanity will TTM tolerate as the purchasing power of take home pay deflates and tax liabilities exponentially inflate towards breaking point. There is no mysterious source of cash investing in the stock market. Cash creation is fiat promissory note electronically borrowed from a private International Financial Cartel.

How long will TTM slip deeper into the inception deception? TTM should not lose focus of the mission to protect, preserve and perfect its experimental independent republic from the tyranny within.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What are we doing here?

The taxpaying majority (TTM) is not supposed to be here. After two year of negotiations, posturing and smoke filled back rooms TTM is handed financial legislation that has accomplished, restored and protected nothing.

TTM is still caught up in the same decaying financial predicament, precipice and paradigm it found itself in during September 2008. In 2008 there was no Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Greek sovereign debt crises. The global derivatives market was less then $650 trillion dollars.

A $23 trillion taxpayer commitment was supposed to solve a global financial pandemic. Yet, the stock market is still eroding quantitatively. TTM is clear as to who has their finger on the trigger that could implode the US and Global economy. With China in that position TTM should ask those running for congress in November, how did we get here?

Was it a treacherous, treasonous, terrorist plot implemented by congress’s new masters? Well, here is the subliminal messages congress sent TTM. Congress has abandoned their fiduciary duty to protect, preserve and promote the US constitution.

Congress has embraced a new master an international financial cartel (IFC) and no longer serves its constituents. Congress has sold out the country with an inflating, debasing, deflationary fiat currency. Judgment day is coming when congress can no longer pretend they did not know.

Even though congress continues to slowly boil TTM like a frog, the collapse of the U S of A will not be considered an accident? A clear sign of an eminent collapse would be when congress and their new masters IFC go silent after slipping into their secret survival bunkers.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Abiotic Oil Wars

Truths rising from below the Gulf floor in the form of toxic gases has the potential to destroy life in and above water. BP has tapped into a mother lode of abiotic oil, which is being manufactured naturally through an automatic cycle. This volatile eruption of deadly gasses should have a sobering effect on the oil wars being fought in the Middle East.

If the concept of Abiotic Oil is accurate there is no need to send our bravest and finest into harms way to guarantee the free flow of oil. Abiotic Oil like “Peak Oil” highlights the rate of consumption at which humans are depleting our natural resources. The volume of oil coming out of the floor at best is steady.

Pressure has not dropped since April. BP has tapped into more oil then US of A will ever use. General McCrystal’s staff is probably also aware of the massive reserves of oil within the territories of US of A. Congress would rather taxpayers pay more at the pump then tap into domestic reserves.

It is only through high gas prices that federal, state and local governments can collect more tax revenue to compensate for a debased currency. This gulf event maybe yet another false flag attempt to break the back of America in terms of logistics, defense and tactics. Using oil booms is not thinking out side of the box.

Bails of hay will absorb oil and so will human hair. If depleted oil wells are beginning to refill with oil then Peak Oil is not a major concern. What is surprising is no one has the stones to force a bailed-out International Financial Cartel into releasing suppressed technology that could end this catastrophe.

United States should seriously consider allowing the Russian’s to set of a precise nuclear devise based on their experience and expertise. History has documented nuclear fallout from a failed Russian reactor in the milk of cows in Wisconsin USA. Why, because all water, air and lands are connected.

A methane explosion in the Gulf of Mexico will affect multiple nations. While each high tide bring in another layer of oil that will preserve some of the vegetation it cover for hundreds of years.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trading with their own currency

Alexander the Great knew the power behind Greece’s only nemesis was a massive reserve of gold. Exactly where this fortune was stored and taking the booty was Alexander’s only obstacle. Alexander unified the Greeks by vilifying their common enemy who just happened to pocess the middle world’s largest known cache of gold. An obvious Condon drum was the Greek emissaries and advisors caught inside enemy camps after each victory. In addition to engaging elite Greek forces on the battlefield Alexander pursued his goal of financial independence of Greek largess. Once Alexander secured his sought after fortune he no longer needed the support of the Greek states. Alexander’s military might was no longer Greek on his last birthday. Like Alexander the great an International Financial Cartel (IFC) the “to big to fail” has coined their own currency. Through modern technology the IFC commandeered the derivatives market, captured the treasuries of taxpayers around the globe and attacked NATO allies through naked shorts CDS. The income is unregulated, not reported, and tax-free. Since the “ fat finger accident “ every major market index has revisited the bottom of the May 6 plunge. As long as the boiling taxpayer does not jump out of the tax system IFC will continue to confiscate revenue feeding politicians appetite for deficit spending.

Monday, May 24, 2010

How could they have known?

It is hard to discover answers to a criminal cyber invent when investigators are surfing porn sites. Try looking at a confluence of events, dark pools, synthetic exchanges, front running, high frequency trading, naked short CDS and off shore tax haven. There are individual who created the algorithms that allow a computer to do all of the above. Maybe the SEC and CFTC should talk to them. Hence a thousand point plunge on the Dow should be considered a warning shot. Either the taxpaying majority pay to play or the entire system comes down. This event could only take place when a captured government neglects it fiduciary duty and drags the Trojan horse into the Capital Hill. Government’s priorities have blatantly been skewed. Reflecting on the precipice of September 2008 a resolution to bailout the “ to big to fail “ took two weeks which was suppose to stop a global contagion. A $350 billion finger plugging a dike is not stopping the implosion of Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Portugal, Spain or Italy. Almost two years later and government agencies are still talking about liquidity.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

If It Worked

If It Worked

The taxpaying Majority (TTM) has only God left to trust. If TTM accepts the mantra “bailouts and stimulus worked” then a continuation of this successful policy should logically follow. TTM must also abandon capitalist principles to save this mutant capitalist system. Embrace escalating interest payment on the national debt. Collateralize a $23 trillion dollar commitment to prop up global financial institutions. Accept growing unfounded liabilities as a national obligation. TTM have not forgotten an International Financial Cartel was on the verge of collapse in 2008. Within one year IFC announced record profits at the largess of TTM. In the meantime Iceland, Greece, Italy, Portugal and other nations implode from a global financial contagion.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Mantra: Government Saved Us.

The taxpaying majority (TTM) is quite clear on what the government saved it from. Government saved TTM from living in a nation governed by laws, rules and regulation with checks and balances ensuring stability. Government saved US citizens from the American way of life, living near secured borders and protected coastlines.

Government saved TTM from a long-term fundamental strength of the US economy and economic expansion. A sound banking system, which enables small borrowers to finance business ventures, creates jobs and provides consumer loans. Government saved TTM from working jobs out sourced to foreign countries and in factories moved off shore.

Government saved TTM from a strong currency, a housing price steadily increasing, a global financial melt down and a flawed health care system. Government saved the American citizen from walking through airports not searched, not photographed or monitored.

Government saved TTM from irresponsible lending and borrowing practices by banks.
Government saved TTM from paying down the national debt, as well as personal and private financial obligations. Government saved TTM from spending a strong currency at home and abroad, to purchasing affordable food, gas and electricity.

Government has saved TTM from the low cost of a decent education. Government saved TTM from toxic assets weighing down financial institutions and threatening the world economy. Government saved TTM from the like of Iceland, Greece, Portugal and a dozen other nations.

Government saved TTM from economic financial collapse, more stimulus package, excessive money printing, to big to fail, escalating interest payment on national debt, hyperinflation and excess liquidity. No it was the Taxpaying Majority that saved us by assuming debt that their grandchildren will pay.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Has Government become Destructive?

Has the time arrived once again when the governed must throw off a captured government? Has the taxpaying majority’s (TTM) right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness been compromised? TTM right not to bailout a private global financial system has been eliminated by a destructive congress bought and paid for.

As stealth rebels pores over TTM’s southern border government prepares to stretch the military into a Yemen conflict. TTM is witnessing a massive global theft perpetuate by congressional deregulation. Nine years after the destruction of symbols of western capitalism an inepted government is unable to rebuild a single tower.

Government has allowed attacks on TTM from unregulated financial engineering of derivative. If there is blatant disregard for law, rules and regulation from above what should TTM expect from below? Lone wolf terrorist attack on Muslims, Jews and Christians highlights government’s inability to guarantee freedom of religion.

Government’s use of appropriate force to save the lives of patriots fighting in a Middle East theater deteriorates daily. Government has failed to regulate the value of currency by spending money from future taxes. Government devalues the dollar by decreasing its buying power when spent in supermarkets, gas stations and shopping centers.

Who will congress punish when the currency becomes as worthless as counterfeit notes. TTM watch in shock and awe as the constitution is abused and usurped for fleeting political gains. Congress has abandoned its fiduciary responsibility of representing TTM. When it is all said and done politician will say” no one could have seen it coming”.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Deregulating Regulations

The taxpaying majority (TTM) is witnessing the conclusion of decades of dismantling financial boundaries set in place to check moral hazard. Once again congress has demonstrated legislating morality is beyond their skill and pay level. TTM finances its military to enforce the will of nation around the globe.

Even in a war zone there are rules of engagement, which enable commanders on the ground control of chaos. There are rules and regulations of the high seas, air traffic corridors, highways, school attendance and the word of GOD.

Yet an international financial cartel (IFC) ruthlessly imposes its treasonous, unpatriotic and illegal will around the globe. It is only when IFC runs into insolvency does it recognize the authority of captured governments who bailout, back and enforce cartel will.

Hiding behind international organization that espouse to do good IFC is able to infiltrate countries, corrupt leadership and continue the plunder of resources. TTM must follow the rules of taxation enforce every April 15th.

Yet after decades of distractive, disruptive and deregulated legislation to shut down tax evasion entities trillion of dollar in taxes go unpaid. What has congress accomplished since the financial crash of 2008? Well in less then 48 hours congress signed a two-page regulation that gave away $2 trillion to IFC.

Counterfeit Promissory Notes

The international financial cartel (IFC) could drain a dark swamp of global excess reserves through issuing counterfeit promissory notes (CPN). The most difficult obsticle with counterfeiting involves convincing the taxpaying majority (TTM) to accept CPN in exchange for real estate, oil and debt.

CPN would have to be accepted as a means of exchange based on the full faith and credit of a currency carry trade government. Credit rating agencies, central banks and brokerage houses would confirm the viability of a CPN. CPN would only be redeemable with other CPN.

Eventually an exponentially expanding supply of CPN would lead to hyperinflation. TTM would end up holding a debt payable in worthless CPN. Worthless CPN will force creditors to take a serious haircut, break TTM and impoverish unborn generations.

Unborn generations are currently receiving a delayed tax on interest and money borrowed by today’s deficit spending government. CPN would reduce the purchasing ability of TTM pertaining to goods and services. Incremental but steady increases in the price of food, gas and water will take place due to expending supplies of CPN.

How many $100 notes can government’s printing press produce every 24 hours? Base on this number TTM can determined how long it would take to print a trillion dollar. If the CPN is base on full faith and credit of government TTM could pay off the national debt in X amount of time.

By the time creditors no longer have faith or confidence in the carry trade government’s CPN the national debt would have be paid in full with worthless paper.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A False Flag Operation

A false flag operation to disguise, deflect and distort the plans of an international financial cartel (IFC) was implemented during September 2008. Because of the efforts of congress to deregulate, dismember and disengage a fifty year old monitoring system, a void was created that allowed the mission to activate with out a hitch.

The inaction of Homeland Security Department to identify, prevent and apprehend the team highlighted the depth of infiltration used to mask a massive electronic transfer of money. An emergency meeting involving the Fed, Treasury and Congress held behind closed doors hid threats, deception and blackmail.

Congress in turn deceived, distracted and disoriented American into believing IFC needed a bailout or the world economy would collapse. Banks, Hedge Funds and Investment institutions continue to implode after receiving massive sums of cash for an emergency capital injection.

Some pundits say the money has disappeared but magic is for kids.

$56 Trillion Dollar national Debt

The bottom line is the taxpaying majority will end up holding a bag full of toxic crap and pushing a motorized wheel barrel. The sub prime meltdown was a contrived, calculated, nurtured, covert operation that guaranteed a multi trillion dollar payday.

Covert agents were strategically positioned inside the federal government, Federal Reserve, political parties, lobbyist pool, insurance companies, banks and hedge funds. The mission was to socialize the debt around the globe and privatize profits amongst the cabal.

The catalyst used to start a chain reaction was defaults on sub prime resets. Once the housing bubble started to implode the taxpayer would accept a twelve trillion dollar national debt. The real debt is $56 trillion or $483,000 per household. In the end all players are paid with money barrowed by the federal government.

The printing presses can only produce about $365 billion per year. Money is nothing more then computerized electronic notions on Fed computer. The taxpaying majority may not need a motorized wheel barrel this time around.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Debased Promissory Notes

The international financial cartel (IFC) could drain a dark swamp of global excess reserves through issuing debased promissory notes (DPN). The most difficult obsticle concerning debauchary involves convincing the taxpaying majority (TTM) into accepting DPN in exchange for real estate, oil and debt.

DPN would have to be accepted as a means of exchange based on the full faith and credit of a currency carry trade government. Credit rating agencies, central banks and brokerage houses would confirm reliability and viability of each DPN. DPN would only be redeemable with other DPN.

Eventually an exponentially expanding supply of DPN would lead to hyperinflation. TTM would end up holding a debt payable in worthless DPN. Worthless DPN will force creditors to take serious haircuts, break TTM and impoverish unborn generations.

Unborn generations are currently receiving a delayed tax on interest and money borrowed by today’s deficit spending government. DPN would reduce the purchasing ability of TTM pertaining to goods and services. Incremental but steady increases in the price of food, gas and water will take place due to expending supplies of DPN.

How many $100 notes can government’s printing press produce within 24 hours? Base on this number TTM can determined how long it would take to print a trillion dollar. If the DPN is base on full faith and credit of government TTM could pay off the national debt in X amount of time.

The answers are government printing presses can produce a little less then $365 billion per year. It would take the US government over fifty years to print enough $100 bills to pay off the current national debt. This does not include a potential $1.5 Quadrillion unregulated derivatives market.

By the time creditors no longer have faith or confidence in the carry trade government’s DPN the national debt would have been paid in full with hyper inflated worthless paper.

Russian Roulette Dollar

Step right up and play the dollar carry trade (DCT) game. It’s the only game in town. A floating dollar has morphed into an international confidence scheme. The entire globe has been bamboozled into a giant DCT game of musical chair. Last entity standing will end up holding a majority of worthless US toxic debt.

It looks like the winner will be the taxpaying majority (TTM) in U S of A. Sad part about this matter is TTM was not invited to participate in the game. Fed remains the only major player left enabling a congressional addiction to debt. Chinese are bailing because there is no assurance congress will control debt.

Congress barrows money from Fed then Fed turns around and purchases congressional induced debt. It’s the ying and yang of a perpetual cycle of indenture servitude, economic feudalism and financial slavery.

An international financial cartel (IFC) needs to swap up to $1.5 Quadrillion of fraudulent induced derivatives for legitimate official paper such as US treasuries. Raising the debt ceiling, continuous deficit spending and abandoning the value of the dollar goes a long way in fostering the swap.

Preserving a fiat currency system that is backed by confidence in a superior military and the huge economy of a nation in debt is the path of lease resistance. TTM have accepted the fact Wall Street is the epic center of a financial earthquake with aftershocks and tremors yet to be felt.

It is not surprising to find a common IFC connection between Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Greece, UK and other collapsing nations. Why do these three words Fraud, IFC and Government appear as triplets whenever derivatives are involved? Who is next to rush congress with a threat of a coming global economic implosion?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Fed buying Debt

The Fed buying Debt

They’re slightly under $1 trillion physically in circulation around the globe. The taxpaying majority (TTM) through officials in congress has leveraged the US dollar 14 to 1 because of the national debt. This does not include the derivatives market, which may have leveraged the dollar as high as1500 to 1.

Private debt may have leveraged the dollar at a guesstimate of 60 to 1. To what level will the Fed raise interest rate in order to drain the global financial system of excess dollar reserves? The financial crisis of 2008 highlighted a massive shortage of dollars, which forced TTM to leverage currency up to 23 to 1.

This run on the dollar should have triggered a sharp rise in US interest rates. Alternatively the dollar was devalued through printing extraordinary sums of cash. Holders of the US dollar paper are potentially facing a tax by inflation that could render notes worthless. The Fed is caught in a catch 22 as it fills the gap left by foreign investors.

Being the major purchaser and possibly holder of US treasuries the Fed faces its own inflation tax. Speculating the Federal Reserve System may be using an unofficial inflation tax by devaluing the dollar. Monetary easing could be another means of draining the dark pool of debt.

TTM are bankrolling the banking system by accumulating debt while paying the banks interest on treasuries as well as money barrowed to bailout a global financial system.

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Looking in the Mirror

Should the taxpaying majority (TTM) accept international financial cartel (IFC) propaganda or should TTM believe its lying eyes? Has the global economy stepped back from the brink or just paused before the final plunge? Have financial markets entered into a recovery mode or will quantitative easing persist?

Was it Russia, China and Britain that caused U.S. of A's subs prime meltdown or are Wall Street and government still in denial? Have financial institutions that received bailouts and TARP repaid all debt incurred by TTM or are government officials lying?

Will the jobless remain permanently unemployed or will they end up working for the government? How many federal government entitlement programs will be administered privately then billed to TTM? Can international bankers prevent a new round of financial collapse by nations or will all global currencies reset at parity?

Does the physical quantity of silver match the paper traded on commodity exchanges or is the price caught in a deflationary manipulation? Government continues to blow smoke in TTM's face then calls it the fog of global warming. It is estimated government has thrown $23 trillion at an $11 trillion residential mortgage problem.

TTM should pay back some of the financial crisis loan with unused bailout funds.
What is the interest payment increase on the national debt incurred to save private financial institutions?

At current rate of deficit spending and rising debt ceilings there will come a day when a tax rate of 100% of income will not stop an exponentially increasing national debt. How much revenue does government take in that is used to pay down national debt or will TTM's offspring’s be born into financial slavery?

When a nation turns away from the one and only God it has no Commander In Chief to lead the War on Terror.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

Treason against the States

The republic of U.S. of A. is in the midst of an economic/financial war. Safe guards, barriers and rules which protected, promoted and provided a common defense against economic turmoil and financial meltdown were consciously dissolved and dismantled. These rules helped guide and direct the nation out of a great depression.

Weak and fluffed legislation continues to be substituted instead of meaningful corrective measures. A $1.5 quadrillion global derivative markets which is 80% fraudulently induced has yet been recognized, re-worked or resolved. Thousands of financiers have not been investigated, indicted or jailed for bribery, fraudulent inducement or treason.

Treason against the U.S. of A. should also consist of levying economic and financial war against the nation. Treason should also include assisting domestic and foreign enemies who infiltrate, disrupt and disable the national economy, financial infrastructure and federal government.

Treason should consist of giving aid and comfort to private cabalist enterprises which push the country to the brink of economic failure and financial collapse. How can congress address the issue of treason when it is deeply involved in the planning, execution and cover-up?

Fraudulent inducement should encompass lying to a bribed and captured congress. In return congress assured the taxpaying majority the financial crisis of 2008 was not a domestic attack on the U.S. of A.

Bribery should consist of accepting millions of dollars which allows non elected lobbyist the opportunity to write legislation and finance the election of Manchurian candidates to congress.

Treason should consist of entering into service of the federal government with the intent of inducing the taxpaying majority into financing actions which are harmful to the States.

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Corruption is Repetitive, Addictive and Habitual

Taxpayers have welcomed the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century with an ancient, barbaric immoral pandemic infesting the federal government. It appears corruption has become a systemic, endemic ritualistic way of life that permeates local, state and federal government.
Taxpayers should not judge reps by the image they project but by the contents of their works. Laws, rules and regulations were enacted to arrest this practice, yet corruption reigns supreme in Washington DC. The environment on Capitol Hill is giddy with excitement and expectation of bribes to come in 2010.
Its possible elected official cannot enter the inner sanctums of power unless they part-take of the corruption ritual. Taxpayers should expect government officials to find a way to embrace the addiction as the New Year begins. The habit has become the accepted works of the same Wall Street Gods of deception, greed and fraud.
Those that have mastered the art of robbing countries will return in 2010 like patty thieves to the scene of a successful heist. Taxpayers should expect constants raids on tax revenues because addictive politicians are hooked on the cracks in bogus legislation.
Elected officials have no problem spending other people’s money to feed their habit. The addiction to deficit spending metamorphoses into a repetitive rise in taxes to pay for raising the debt ceiling. Corruption has rotted the head of government to the point where trade wars during a recession seem logical.
Political corruption increasing exponentially will distract, disable and disrupt a nation from capturing the financiers of financial terrorism.

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