Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Has Government become Destructive?

Has the time arrived once again when the governed must throw off a captured government? Has the taxpaying majority’s (TTM) right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness been compromised? TTM right not to bailout a private global financial system has been eliminated by a destructive congress bought and paid for.

As stealth rebels pores over TTM’s southern border government prepares to stretch the military into a Yemen conflict. TTM is witnessing a massive global theft perpetuate by congressional deregulation. Nine years after the destruction of symbols of western capitalism an inepted government is unable to rebuild a single tower.

Government has allowed attacks on TTM from unregulated financial engineering of derivative. If there is blatant disregard for law, rules and regulation from above what should TTM expect from below? Lone wolf terrorist attack on Muslims, Jews and Christians highlights government’s inability to guarantee freedom of religion.

Government’s use of appropriate force to save the lives of patriots fighting in a Middle East theater deteriorates daily. Government has failed to regulate the value of currency by spending money from future taxes. Government devalues the dollar by decreasing its buying power when spent in supermarkets, gas stations and shopping centers.

Who will congress punish when the currency becomes as worthless as counterfeit notes. TTM watch in shock and awe as the constitution is abused and usurped for fleeting political gains. Congress has abandoned its fiduciary responsibility of representing TTM. When it is all said and done politician will say” no one could have seen it coming”.

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