Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Mantra: Government Saved Us.

The taxpaying majority (TTM) is quite clear on what the government saved it from. Government saved TTM from living in a nation governed by laws, rules and regulation with checks and balances ensuring stability. Government saved US citizens from the American way of life, living near secured borders and protected coastlines.

Government saved TTM from a long-term fundamental strength of the US economy and economic expansion. A sound banking system, which enables small borrowers to finance business ventures, creates jobs and provides consumer loans. Government saved TTM from working jobs out sourced to foreign countries and in factories moved off shore.

Government saved TTM from a strong currency, a housing price steadily increasing, a global financial melt down and a flawed health care system. Government saved the American citizen from walking through airports not searched, not photographed or monitored.

Government saved TTM from irresponsible lending and borrowing practices by banks.
Government saved TTM from paying down the national debt, as well as personal and private financial obligations. Government saved TTM from spending a strong currency at home and abroad, to purchasing affordable food, gas and electricity.

Government has saved TTM from the low cost of a decent education. Government saved TTM from toxic assets weighing down financial institutions and threatening the world economy. Government saved TTM from the like of Iceland, Greece, Portugal and a dozen other nations.

Government saved TTM from economic financial collapse, more stimulus package, excessive money printing, to big to fail, escalating interest payment on national debt, hyperinflation and excess liquidity. No it was the Taxpaying Majority that saved us by assuming debt that their grandchildren will pay.

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