Monday, May 24, 2010

How could they have known?

It is hard to discover answers to a criminal cyber invent when investigators are surfing porn sites. Try looking at a confluence of events, dark pools, synthetic exchanges, front running, high frequency trading, naked short CDS and off shore tax haven. There are individual who created the algorithms that allow a computer to do all of the above. Maybe the SEC and CFTC should talk to them. Hence a thousand point plunge on the Dow should be considered a warning shot. Either the taxpaying majority pay to play or the entire system comes down. This event could only take place when a captured government neglects it fiduciary duty and drags the Trojan horse into the Capital Hill. Government’s priorities have blatantly been skewed. Reflecting on the precipice of September 2008 a resolution to bailout the “ to big to fail “ took two weeks which was suppose to stop a global contagion. A $350 billion finger plugging a dike is not stopping the implosion of Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Portugal, Spain or Italy. Almost two years later and government agencies are still talking about liquidity.

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