Thursday, February 25, 2010

Russian Roulette Dollar

Step right up and play the dollar carry trade (DCT) game. It’s the only game in town. A floating dollar has morphed into an international confidence scheme. The entire globe has been bamboozled into a giant DCT game of musical chair. Last entity standing will end up holding a majority of worthless US toxic debt.

It looks like the winner will be the taxpaying majority (TTM) in U S of A. Sad part about this matter is TTM was not invited to participate in the game. Fed remains the only major player left enabling a congressional addiction to debt. Chinese are bailing because there is no assurance congress will control debt.

Congress barrows money from Fed then Fed turns around and purchases congressional induced debt. It’s the ying and yang of a perpetual cycle of indenture servitude, economic feudalism and financial slavery.

An international financial cartel (IFC) needs to swap up to $1.5 Quadrillion of fraudulent induced derivatives for legitimate official paper such as US treasuries. Raising the debt ceiling, continuous deficit spending and abandoning the value of the dollar goes a long way in fostering the swap.

Preserving a fiat currency system that is backed by confidence in a superior military and the huge economy of a nation in debt is the path of lease resistance. TTM have accepted the fact Wall Street is the epic center of a financial earthquake with aftershocks and tremors yet to be felt.

It is not surprising to find a common IFC connection between Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Greece, UK and other collapsing nations. Why do these three words Fraud, IFC and Government appear as triplets whenever derivatives are involved? Who is next to rush congress with a threat of a coming global economic implosion?

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