Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oil Spin

The oil that was release due to an incident in the gulf is not GONE. If gulf residents do not see oil it does not mean it has disappeared. BP PLC wants the public to believe they have developed the technology to overcome pressures pushing a volcanic gusher of oil to the surface.

Oil continues to leak into the Gulf through cracks in the gulf floor. Much of the oil never made it to the surface and is still a threat to humans, sea life and marshes. Here is an elementary math problem. A volcanic oil gusher spewed 100,000 barrels of oil a day into the gulf.

A barrel of oil is around 45 gallons. After 100 days how much crude would have polluted the gulf. The answer is 450,000,000 gallons. Yes, oil dissolves in water naturally over time. Question is how time is “naturally over time”.

If 152 million gallons is three-quarters where is the 53 million gallons of oil? Evaporation or dissolving is not the same as GONE. If the oil evaporated then 50 million gallons of oil is in the atmosphere as a gas.

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