Monday, September 6, 2010

Can Congress nix Treason?

Treason is at least as old as the creation story of the Christian bible. A beautiful angel was cast out of Heaven because she betrayed God. According to the Garden of Eden story the Serpent betrayed Eve and Eve betrayed Adam. Treason has never been a positive act.

Treason has never been subject to the authority of any political philosophy, government or body of laws. The US Constitution can only highlight the negativity of treason. Treason and the consequence of being found guilty of the act have survived the rise and fall of many nations.

The US congress has tried to repealed Treason by changing laws, ignoring others laws, to outright redefining an Act of Treason. Congress currently indulges in these acts in order to accumulating a debased currency that is slowly becoming worthless. The taxpaying majority (TTM) has accepted the fact that congress can be bought.

Recent history has shown that people can lie to congress, government agencies and expect no retribution for the act of lying. Is it treasonous to inflate the bond market through deficit spending? If the US Bond market should collapse could United States of America continue to wage war in Iran, Yemen or Pakistan?

An international financial cartel (IFC), which is America’s number one enemy is well aware of this Achilles’ heel. When the time is right IFC will have no quorum pulling the plug on the military of U S of A.

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