Friday, February 5, 2010

Treason against the States

The republic of U.S. of A. is in the midst of an economic/financial war. Safe guards, barriers and rules which protected, promoted and provided a common defense against economic turmoil and financial meltdown were consciously dissolved and dismantled. These rules helped guide and direct the nation out of a great depression.

Weak and fluffed legislation continues to be substituted instead of meaningful corrective measures. A $1.5 quadrillion global derivative markets which is 80% fraudulently induced has yet been recognized, re-worked or resolved. Thousands of financiers have not been investigated, indicted or jailed for bribery, fraudulent inducement or treason.

Treason against the U.S. of A. should also consist of levying economic and financial war against the nation. Treason should also include assisting domestic and foreign enemies who infiltrate, disrupt and disable the national economy, financial infrastructure and federal government.

Treason should consist of giving aid and comfort to private cabalist enterprises which push the country to the brink of economic failure and financial collapse. How can congress address the issue of treason when it is deeply involved in the planning, execution and cover-up?

Fraudulent inducement should encompass lying to a bribed and captured congress. In return congress assured the taxpaying majority the financial crisis of 2008 was not a domestic attack on the U.S. of A.

Bribery should consist of accepting millions of dollars which allows non elected lobbyist the opportunity to write legislation and finance the election of Manchurian candidates to congress.

Treason should consist of entering into service of the federal government with the intent of inducing the taxpaying majority into financing actions which are harmful to the States.

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