Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Greatest Threat

US military might is watched globally with shock and awe. The US military which can deploy assets on, under and above any surface on the planet has encountered an enemy with a Dooms Day Weapon (DDW). This DDW is another ancient, barbaric relic which once again has been summoned from the abyss.

Use of this DDW could be why the US forces find itself bogged down in a protracted engagement in the Middle East? What type of enemy assets is the US military encountering on the battlefield? No air power, no space weapons or sea power only an occasional IED and thousands of AK 47s. God bless the US bravest and finest for their sacrifices.

Al Qaeda, Taliban, Terrorism or Islamic extremist have no military equivalent to US weaponry. So what is the DDW supporting a ragtag battlefield opponent? Who is the power behind terrorism? Who is laundering money for the enemy? How is the enemy able to keep the deception, distraction and delusion going?

First they must capture, control and compromise western governments into doing their bid. Western Governments that have been infiltrated by treasonous, unpatriotic agents involved in a global ponzi scheme. This is probably how an International Financial Cartel (IFC) reinvented the ultimate weapon that has bought down many western powers.

The IFC profits from the illusion of fiat deficit spending and perpetuates the myth of the necessity of all forms of income tax confiscation. Dropping fiat currencies from black helicopter (QE2) is not the same as the taxpaying majority (TTM) depositing money into banks that make loans to entrepreneurs.

Deficit spending is proving to be the Greatest Threat and ultimate DDW to the U S of A, the taxpaying majority and its military service personnel

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