Sunday, August 8, 2010

We are there

Social Security benefits will exceed revenues in 2010. Paying full Social Security benefits when the system is broken only make a deteriorating situation worse.

Do not believe for one second that the smart ones in Washington are not aware how the recession is wreaking havoc on the social security system. When the economy recovers will the millions of jobs lost return?

If US of A slips into a Japanese’s style deflationary cycle it could be decades before the economy recovers. SS is on the brink and does not have much time left.

Deflation is already devastating income as taxpayers are forced to take one, two or three day furloughs without pay. Food inflation deflates the purchasing power of the dollar. Small business revenues are also deflating.

Will the economic recovery be another jobless return to prosperity? From where will the revenue needed to finance SS come from? A 30-year reserve fund paying full benefits even though the trust fund is being raided, abused and misused will implode.

Reform proposal only extend and delay a day of reckoning. Should US of A enter into a period of hyperinflation due to say QE 2 social security could not keep pace with the cost of living.

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