Monday, March 15, 2010

Deregulating Regulations

The taxpaying majority (TTM) is witnessing the conclusion of decades of dismantling financial boundaries set in place to check moral hazard. Once again congress has demonstrated legislating morality is beyond their skill and pay level. TTM finances its military to enforce the will of nation around the globe.

Even in a war zone there are rules of engagement, which enable commanders on the ground control of chaos. There are rules and regulations of the high seas, air traffic corridors, highways, school attendance and the word of GOD.

Yet an international financial cartel (IFC) ruthlessly imposes its treasonous, unpatriotic and illegal will around the globe. It is only when IFC runs into insolvency does it recognize the authority of captured governments who bailout, back and enforce cartel will.

Hiding behind international organization that espouse to do good IFC is able to infiltrate countries, corrupt leadership and continue the plunder of resources. TTM must follow the rules of taxation enforce every April 15th.

Yet after decades of distractive, disruptive and deregulated legislation to shut down tax evasion entities trillion of dollar in taxes go unpaid. What has congress accomplished since the financial crash of 2008? Well in less then 48 hours congress signed a two-page regulation that gave away $2 trillion to IFC.

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