Saturday, February 27, 2010

$56 Trillion Dollar national Debt

The bottom line is the taxpaying majority will end up holding a bag full of toxic crap and pushing a motorized wheel barrel. The sub prime meltdown was a contrived, calculated, nurtured, covert operation that guaranteed a multi trillion dollar payday.

Covert agents were strategically positioned inside the federal government, Federal Reserve, political parties, lobbyist pool, insurance companies, banks and hedge funds. The mission was to socialize the debt around the globe and privatize profits amongst the cabal.

The catalyst used to start a chain reaction was defaults on sub prime resets. Once the housing bubble started to implode the taxpayer would accept a twelve trillion dollar national debt. The real debt is $56 trillion or $483,000 per household. In the end all players are paid with money barrowed by the federal government.

The printing presses can only produce about $365 billion per year. Money is nothing more then computerized electronic notions on Fed computer. The taxpaying majority may not need a motorized wheel barrel this time around.

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