Sunday, February 7, 2010

Looking in the Mirror

Should the taxpaying majority (TTM) accept international financial cartel (IFC) propaganda or should TTM believe its lying eyes? Has the global economy stepped back from the brink or just paused before the final plunge? Have financial markets entered into a recovery mode or will quantitative easing persist?

Was it Russia, China and Britain that caused U.S. of A's subs prime meltdown or are Wall Street and government still in denial? Have financial institutions that received bailouts and TARP repaid all debt incurred by TTM or are government officials lying?

Will the jobless remain permanently unemployed or will they end up working for the government? How many federal government entitlement programs will be administered privately then billed to TTM? Can international bankers prevent a new round of financial collapse by nations or will all global currencies reset at parity?

Does the physical quantity of silver match the paper traded on commodity exchanges or is the price caught in a deflationary manipulation? Government continues to blow smoke in TTM's face then calls it the fog of global warming. It is estimated government has thrown $23 trillion at an $11 trillion residential mortgage problem.

TTM should pay back some of the financial crisis loan with unused bailout funds.
What is the interest payment increase on the national debt incurred to save private financial institutions?

At current rate of deficit spending and rising debt ceilings there will come a day when a tax rate of 100% of income will not stop an exponentially increasing national debt. How much revenue does government take in that is used to pay down national debt or will TTM's offspring’s be born into financial slavery?

When a nation turns away from the one and only God it has no Commander In Chief to lead the War on Terror.

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