Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What are we doing here?

The taxpaying majority (TTM) is not supposed to be here. After two year of negotiations, posturing and smoke filled back rooms TTM is handed financial legislation that has accomplished, restored and protected nothing.

TTM is still caught up in the same decaying financial predicament, precipice and paradigm it found itself in during September 2008. In 2008 there was no Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Greek sovereign debt crises. The global derivatives market was less then $650 trillion dollars.

A $23 trillion taxpayer commitment was supposed to solve a global financial pandemic. Yet, the stock market is still eroding quantitatively. TTM is clear as to who has their finger on the trigger that could implode the US and Global economy. With China in that position TTM should ask those running for congress in November, how did we get here?

Was it a treacherous, treasonous, terrorist plot implemented by congress’s new masters? Well, here is the subliminal messages congress sent TTM. Congress has abandoned their fiduciary duty to protect, preserve and promote the US constitution.

Congress has embraced a new master an international financial cartel (IFC) and no longer serves its constituents. Congress has sold out the country with an inflating, debasing, deflationary fiat currency. Judgment day is coming when congress can no longer pretend they did not know.

Even though congress continues to slowly boil TTM like a frog, the collapse of the U S of A will not be considered an accident? A clear sign of an eminent collapse would be when congress and their new masters IFC go silent after slipping into their secret survival bunkers.


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