Monday, November 16, 2009

Taxpayers got punked

US taxpayers have been punked. Taxpayers assume elected official will use the constitution as a guide when deliberating national business. The constitution is being dismantled, disabled, and disrupted. The dollar, personal savings and national economy are also being destroyed.

Congress plunged taxpayers into debt by $2.5 trillion to protect a private banking system. Taxpayers were denied an audit of the Federal Reserve System they protected from plunging into the abyss. Bankrupt banks exchanged toxic paper for treasuries which the Fed purchased from taxpayers after granting government a loan.

The loan in turn increases national debt to the Fed through deficit spending. Fed buys back access treasuries from primary dealer banks that are unable to sell treasuries in global markets. Taxpayers get punked owing the Fed additional money with interest for treasuries repurchased from primary dealer recipients of taxpayer’s bailout.

Paying the Fed principle and interest for treasuries issued to protect and preserve the banking reserve system through deficit spending is maximum ponzi. Taxpayers have been punked into believing printing US dollars can continue forever. At some point purchasing power of all fiat currencies peaks and becomes worthless.

It’s no mystery why the US stock market continues to rise in the midst of a global recession. A weak dollar carry trade invested in foreign markets creates the illusion domestic banking industry has recovered. Government admits $200 billion of bailout monies will never be recovered because congress has lost track of the money.

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