Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mystical Currency

U S of A is already in the midst of hyperinflation. Based on the traditional definition of inflation, an exponential spike up in the supply of money back in September 2008, is a great example of hyperinflation. Any more bailouts or stimulus continue to add to money supply and devalue global fiat currencies.

Total amount of currency circulating the globe is around $65 trillion. How could the current notational value of derivatives around the world exceed $600 trillion? There is either a shadow currency in use or ninety percent of derivatives are the product of fraudulent inducement.

A $600 trillion plus derivative market exposes a massive shortage of carry trade dollars. Taxpayers are being bombarded with propaganda which denies what they see, hear and smell. A hyperinflationary virus has already spread globally. Central banks and sovereign nations are dumping their dollars for gold.

National currencies are being debased and taxed by a weak carry trade US currency. This is another reason why central banks have reverted to net buyers of gold. Gold has an inverse effect when fiat currency goes rouge on stable economies. U S of A maybe broke and bankrupt.

The Federal Reserve System continues to loan the federal government more money. This money ends up in the tax haven coffers of corporations that pay no taxes on offshore gains. Treasuries sold increase the amount of dollars in circulation because they are issued to cover debt.

The 2010 election cycle maybe a pivotal point regarding the sovereignty of U S of A. A path at the proverbial fork in the road will be determined by taxpaying voters. Taxpayers are at the precipice of losing their country. Taxpayers realize they are in the midst of an economic war.

Only by throwing the incumbents out of office and recapturing government will the nation be saved from disintegration. A patriotic congress person will understand that taxpayers must perform a radical, delicate and dangerous surgery of removing the cancer from congress.

There are good congress people that are leading the charge but they are out numbered. Now is the time to be bold, innovated, creative and unpredictable. Government is also caught up in this deadly economic war. Trillion dollar financial bombs are exploding all over the country. Taxpayers are short of supplies, man power, money and access.

A defeat will reduce the U S of A to a divided third world nation. Now is the time to be bold, courageous and forge a new paradigm when voting in 2010.

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