Monday, November 2, 2009

Managing money verses expanding supply

A captured federal government has lost its way. It no longer processes the skill or fiduciary duty to manage and protect the nation’s wealth. Instead government is fixated on expending the money supply to new and greater volumes. Congress has been seduced by its ability to finance any impulse that gratifies their delusion of self importance.

Recent events of bailing out bankrupt corporations have proven at best congress members have no idea who pushing their buttons. Congress has corrupted their office given to them by taxpaying constituents. They have squandered the honor and respect due the national legislative body.

Congress is no longer on, or has forgotten and redirected the mission of conducting the peoples business. Congress has failed at keeping America safe, strong and prosperous. The ambitions and desires of congress no longer reflect the goals and aspirations of the taxpaying electorate.

Government has decided to lead the nation down a path that will accelerate destruction of process, dissention amongst electorate and deterioration of congressional authority. Taxpayers have reached a point where reliance on right action from government has proven futile and unwise.

Taxpayers must send those in Washington DC a clear, definite and finale message. Any congressional member who continues to vote for deficit spending need not run for reelection. Expansion of the money supply continues to deteriorate the purchasing power of taxpayer’s income.

History has documented the results of debauch national currencies. Government has created a new accolade while managing the increase and demise of a fiat dollar. It has authorized the printing of more fiat money the world has ever known. Problem with congress is its inability to kick its addiction to deficit spending.

Government psychosis of expanding the money supply and expecting a different result loops back to the only resolve of removing reps from office. Congress is failing as directors on the board of America Inc. Government has disregarded constitutional principles, abandoned capitalist rules and promote a hybrid economy.

The world is littered with examples of nations that overextended themselves. Congress pretends it has designed an innovated solution to managing government. Government repeats the same scripts and runs identical plays all other government must run when spending fiat currency.

Taxpayers are not confused by complexities with rules of order. The smoke screen mantra “the solutions are not that simple” hides graft, incompetence and treason. Taxpayers are marching on Washington DC demanding a return to fiscal discipline and responsibility.

Why would an international financial cartel (IFC), which calculated failure at financial prudence offer guidance and solutions to a crisis orchestrated by their agents inside the Federal Government. IFC lobbyist block resolutions, write bills containing thousands of pages and hides key legislation which enables their cause.

Lobbyist from IFC offers contributions and promises of employment through loopholes passed by congress. Taxpayers must lead a mission back from financial ruin towards balanced budgets by electing fiscally patriotic representatives. If Q3 GDP was so great why did Dow Jones tank by over 250 points. What about the rumor Bank of America is going belly up?

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