Tuesday, November 3, 2009

America's Financial War

America's Financial War

Americans taxpayers are in the midst of a financial war. The IFC is attacking the purchasing power of the dollar, credit and personal savings. US government is in a state of denial. Banks are hording billions of dollars that should flow back to the taxpaying consumer.

This hoarding may ultimately lead to the collapse the American economy with an extremely deflated dollar. The attacked started in September 2008 but the Congress, White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury refuse to call it a financial strike.

IFC tried to electronically transfer 5.5 trillion dollars from institutional money market fund accounts. Had this transfer been completed the American economy would have collapsed in eight hours and the global economy in twenty four hours.

IFC is deeply imbedded in governments, political parties, law enforcement, military, banking system, communications networks, public and private corporations. This is how the American taxpayer is being manipulated to advocate bailouts and stimulus.

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