Friday, November 13, 2009

Rouge Financial Jihadists

It’s like a neighborhood dog gone rabid. The International Financial Cartel is a lone wolf conducting a war on stabilization. IFC has the financial resources, thanks to the largess of US taxpayers, to disrupt, disable and destroy any advocate of taxpayers. IFC has deep six its reputation and financial integrity once it broke from a conservative business model.

By September 2008 evidence confirmed derivative markets were experiencing a massive bumper to bumper pile-up. An orchestrated communication break down between law enforcement, regulators and monitoring agencies cannot verify whether the derivative piling-up has ceased.

No one in government is listening to each other. Fort Hood has demonstrated America is still no safer from a terrorist military attack than on 9/11. Government deliberate slow reactions to events such as Katrina in New Orleans, the rebuilding of the twin towers and putting measures in place to prevent financial crisis typifies a “to big to fail” mentality.

Libor remaining below one percent is drowning holders of toxic derivatives related bonds who are expecting a return on their investment. China will not cover its bets involving derivatives that are 80% fraud. Madoff is in jail for 150 years yet no one inside the SEC has been charged.

Entities receiving payment from AIG should experience a claw back if they were bailed-out by congress. Employees of IFC are paid more for racketeering, bait and switch, embezzlement and deception. The fix is in when law enforcer repeat the same mistakes involving criminal prosecution surrounding financial crisis.

Bear Stearns was part of a global ponzi scheme. Government demonstrated it is not willing to water board those who financially threaten taxpayers of current US military operations. Until there is a wash out in matters related to this financial crisis judgment day has been postponed.

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