Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Verdict is Guilty

The Federal Government of United States of America has been captured. Government can no longer promote, protect and preserve the constitution, its citizenry or the nation.

An international cabal which includes finance, media, academia, science and government is pillaging, plundering and plucking the treasury, taxpayers and the U S economy. The U S government has surrendered but continues covering up this take over through its operatives in the administration and congress.

President George W. Bush summed it up when he stated “I abandoned capitalist principles to save the capitalist system”. The question is whose capitalist system did he save? The administration certainly did not save America’s capitalist system which has been turned up side down.

A free market capitalist system has a mechanism for dismantling failed business models in an orderly manner. It is called bankruptcy court. Free market capitalism allows willing and able institutions, fill gaps left open by broken business models.

Assurance, trust and confidence are important words to taxpayers as well as observers outside of U S borders. Creditors watching the U S of A’s unfolding financial crisis will determine whether they continue to finance American debt.

Major economies continue to move towards a new monetary carry trade. Oil is no longer trading primarily in U S dollars. The U S dollar is deflating in purchasing ability and inflating in quantities circulating the globe.

The verdict is the U S government is guilty of a massive cover up.

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