Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reparations for Taxpayers

Wall Street will give out bonuses in the area of 140 billion dollars by the end of 2009. The Street is smiling because they believe taxpayers have swallowed the Ponzi scheme hook, line and sinker. These bonuses are the result of racketeering, fraud, embezzlement, theft and lying to congress.

A large portion of bailed out Wall Street profits and bonuses should return to taxpayers for pay down of debt incurred bailing out “To Big to Fail” institutions. Instead bonuses are only going to those who have prospered from this financial crisis, engineered recession and a coming depression.

The manufacturing of the securitizations and derivatives bubble was allowed by corrupt, complacent and captured regulators who failed as stewards of taxpayers. This bubble is ten times the size of the entire global economy. If this is not criminal, then where did the money come from?

Congress pretends their plates is full with busy work but the solution to this crisis is law enforcement, implementing prompt corrective action and reinstating laws such as Glass-Steagall. The federal government has willfully failed to fix the problem of off shore wealth going untaxed.

Dow Jones has closed above the 10,000 mark thanks to the largess of taxpayers and creative accounting. The unprecedented infusion of taxpayer’s money into Wall Street has a strong correlation to the expansion of the new stock market bubble. The volume and manipulation of stock do not justify inflating securities on market exchanges. Especially since no regulator is sure all front running, dark pools, shadow exchanges and fast trading has been shot down by those that manufacture bubbles.

There are good prudent banks that were not caught up in securitization and derivatives. These prudent banks are currently filling the gap left by TBTF institutions. Many top economist and financial analysis believe that there will be no recovery unless the TBTF insolvent banks are dismantled in an orderly fashion.

The Federal Government continues to demonstrate that it is no longer in charge of a U S of A’s recovery. Taxpayers are witnessing a massive cover up of a broken economy and failing financial system.

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