Friday, October 23, 2009

Pauli Exclusion Economics

A New World Order and the U S of A are incompatible entities that cannot dominate the same global economy. One must acquiesce to the other. A possible new hegemonic order could either be a restructured Americas such as the North American Union (NAU) or a global organization lead by the United Nations, IMF and Regional Unions. Transitioning to any form of world hegemony may take time, create vacuums and can be disruptive.

Creating a new monetary carry trade can produce shock waves on economies until safety, security and trust is established in national markets. SRD, regional currencies or a basket of currencies are fillers that may support the transformation from the known to the new currency.

What about the US Constitution, dollar and borders? The NAU requires the transformation or dismantling of all three columns of support. Could the US Military whom has sworn an allegiance to constitution, country and flag, legally make the transition with out compromising their loyalty and oath of duty?

How will a new world order affect the United States of America? Will a constitutional amendment ratified by the states to dissolve the constitution pass with out throwing the federal union to another civil war? Would opening up both north and south borders peacefully unite new territorial people?

Can the U S continue to be the world superpower while creating massive debt and not assuring foreign creditors? Can America continue to go it alone deploying military forces into hot zones as the dollar loses value and purchasing power?

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