Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monetary Supply on financial steroid

It is observed the minute a baseball player takes steroids his body mass and stats begin to blowup. The same is true for all athletes no matter what the sport. The issue is how officials keep up with an ever expanding supply of new products constantly introduced to sport figures.

It maybe time taxpayers took the red pill. The Federal Government and the Federal Reserve System have screwed up the monetary system. The screw up is not by accident. It is not the first time this dynamic duo has bought the US taxpayers to the brink of monetary disaster. Once again the dynamic duo has squandered their fiduciary duty in protecting the value of the national currency. As long as an unregulated, uncontrolled central bank prints the nation’s currency taxpayers will accumulate imposed debt.

These raiders of the money supply are easing taxpayers, who have saved for retirement, into a life of indentured servitude and poverty. Debauch of fiat currency is hundreds of years old and was elevated to a true global level when the US dollar was taken of the gold system. At that moment all fiat currencies were put on financial steroids.

What has happened to US M3 money supply in general and paper currency in particular is a modern day wonder of the world. Forty eight trillion dollars circulating the globe is inflationary because oil is oil and an orange is still an orange. Electronically adding zeros to the money supply which is stimulated by the deficit spending inflates the supply of money and deflates the value of currency at the same time. In other words it takes more savings to purchase property because the value of saving has depreciated.

Taxpayers are now born with an $180,000 debt. This debt has the ultimate steroid attached to it in the form of interest compounding at varying rates. As long as congress continues deficit spending the national debt escalates. Whether treasury pays zero percent interest taxpayers are obligated to repay the FRS which creates more money because of deficit spending by the Federal Government.

Central bank systems create money by loaning it into existence which has produced global GDP around $60 trillion dollars. Where did 90% of the credit used to consummate $666 trillion in fraudulent derivative transactions come from? Who else has been loaning money illegally into existence?

Taxpayers will pay down the national debt by allowing congress to increase debt which only raises the national debt.

Please give what you can.

Thank You

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