Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No way out

The United States Federal Government has been cut off behind an International Financial Cabal (IFC) line. Its mission has been compromised pertaining to the $700 billion bailout and there is no support from front line taxpayers. The administration and congress could sacrifice their political careers by stopping IFC agents from infiltrating regulatory agencies and government employees from defecting to the IFC. Congress should allow capitalist principles to function instead of guessing how much stimulus is needed to prevent the next false flag economic meltdown.

Congressional button pushing and reacting to the consequences or impulsively cutting wires is national suicide. To fix the financial crisis congress has to admit and correct the opening of financial gates and pulling in the IFC horse was a fatal economic calculation. Correcting this financial crisis may require reinstating the Glass-Steagall act plus breaking up IFC units that are “To big to fail”.

Once government institutions are occupied, IFC will never voluntarily abandon the regulatory agency. A captured federal government has allowed 685 bailed out IFC units an opportunity to rejoin the federal banking system and finance more taxpayer’s debt. Congress has probably given away around $200 billion of taxpayers TARP money which will never be recovered. Congress should finance and deploy a legion of new law enforcement agents, substituting for those hundreds of agent occupied by terrorist plots since 9/11.

By cleaning up fraud, embezzlement and racketeering associated with the global meltdown of September 2008, government will create a way out of a tunnel with no light at the end. Government liberation will remove psychological shackles put in place to control taxpayers.

The march back to fiscal responsible lines will be difficult and treacherous. Many congressional careers will not survive. The choice of trusting the IFC or embracing the Constitution is a decision each member has to make. The IFC has no quorums about taking down the U S Constitution, economy and dollar in the name of control.

Should congress stand and legislate? A lot of dirty tricks salvoes will be used to demoralize the congress. Only a cohesive, bipartisan congress will survive a standoff on the journey back from the abyss. The environment is not conducive on the path back to stewardship of taxpayer’s money. Cooperating, covering and concealing IFC agents will only lead to exposure of a complicit congress.

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