Thursday, October 29, 2009

The magic of loaning into existence

Growth is an indicator of a robust economic system. Consumer spending will always stimulate growth. Somehow consumers were not invited to the economic recovery party. Consumer are not spending because banks are not lending their bailout and stimulus monies. This money is being used to prop up banks balance sheets. Consumer confidence has not returned to a point where taxpayers are comfortable about their financial future. Plus there is no equity left in their homes that can be used to burrow money. Institutions that supply credit cards have jacked up interest rates. It is the tax paying consumer who is the engine to any economic recovery. Yet consumer credit is spiraling down into negative territory.

Now here is where real magic is performed. Taxpayers through the magic of Federal Reserve and Federal Government have become the growth engine of last resort. Government is barrowing money from the Fed. Federal Reserve is buying debt from the government. Neither institution has the reserves, capital or collateral to make such loans but by the income taxes of taxpayers. The Fed simply performs an accounting trick and loans money that it does not have. Paper stenciled Federal Reserve Note rolls of the printing press. In other words they promise to give the taxpayer more paper promissory notes when taxpayers try to collect a dollar

Now is the time for taxpayers to liberate their captured Federal Government from psychological shackles of an International Financial Cartel (IFC). Taxpayers must sacrifice their congressional representatives for the preservation of the political structure of the country. It is time to throw all captured incumbent politician out of congress. Congress has become infected with a corrupting virus. Taxpayers do not have an antidote or vaccine to immunized members of congress from this contagious pandemic. The only cure is an emergency quarantine of all political representatives. This is done by voting the infected out of political office.

Loaning into existence must exercise fiduciary guide lines, rules and barriers. Taxpayers must prevent congress from spending quadrillions of dollars trying to jump start the economy. Compounding interest on a growing debt will eventually lead to a quadrillion dollar debt. Exponential growth of the supply of money will debauch all fiat currency. Debauch US dollars is one reason why nations talk of a new global currency. By the way, stacking $23 trillion dollars on top of each other will reach a height of around 1,380 miles into space.

When the Federal Reserve loans money into existence it should only accept physical assets such as commodities as collateral in exchange for credit. Accepting toxic assets which are over valued, fraudulent and non existent in exchange for treasuries only promotes the ponzie scheme.

Legislation has been dismantled, reversed and repelled by orders given to a captured federal government. These political prisoners of the financial crisis are at the mercy of the IFC. Regulated and monitored institutions should not be allowed to utilize non-approved alternative trading systems. Passing laws are useless if enforcement of rules is prohibited. Unless there are investigations, hefty fines and jail time for those who violate the rule of law, it is a useless act of hyperbole.

Please give what you can.

Thank You

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monetary Supply on financial steroid

It is observed the minute a baseball player takes steroids his body mass and stats begin to blowup. The same is true for all athletes no matter what the sport. The issue is how officials keep up with an ever expanding supply of new products constantly introduced to sport figures.

It maybe time taxpayers took the red pill. The Federal Government and the Federal Reserve System have screwed up the monetary system. The screw up is not by accident. It is not the first time this dynamic duo has bought the US taxpayers to the brink of monetary disaster. Once again the dynamic duo has squandered their fiduciary duty in protecting the value of the national currency. As long as an unregulated, uncontrolled central bank prints the nation’s currency taxpayers will accumulate imposed debt.

These raiders of the money supply are easing taxpayers, who have saved for retirement, into a life of indentured servitude and poverty. Debauch of fiat currency is hundreds of years old and was elevated to a true global level when the US dollar was taken of the gold system. At that moment all fiat currencies were put on financial steroids.

What has happened to US M3 money supply in general and paper currency in particular is a modern day wonder of the world. Forty eight trillion dollars circulating the globe is inflationary because oil is oil and an orange is still an orange. Electronically adding zeros to the money supply which is stimulated by the deficit spending inflates the supply of money and deflates the value of currency at the same time. In other words it takes more savings to purchase property because the value of saving has depreciated.

Taxpayers are now born with an $180,000 debt. This debt has the ultimate steroid attached to it in the form of interest compounding at varying rates. As long as congress continues deficit spending the national debt escalates. Whether treasury pays zero percent interest taxpayers are obligated to repay the FRS which creates more money because of deficit spending by the Federal Government.

Central bank systems create money by loaning it into existence which has produced global GDP around $60 trillion dollars. Where did 90% of the credit used to consummate $666 trillion in fraudulent derivative transactions come from? Who else has been loaning money illegally into existence?

Taxpayers will pay down the national debt by allowing congress to increase debt which only raises the national debt.

Please give what you can.

Thank You

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Exploding implosion of dollars

Exploding implosion of dollars

During 1970 there was about $50 billion in circulation. It took only 37 years to create an additional $700 billion dollars. Roughly between 2005 to 2007 another $50 billion was added to the money supply. As of January 2007 around $750 billion dollars was floating around the globe in one form or the other.

At this rate, a day is coming when the Congress and Federal Reserve System (FRS) might pump $50 billion dollars a day into the economy. There is a powerful reason why the FRS stopped publishing the M3 component of the money supply. It may have something to do with institutional money market mutual funds and the derivative market. When M2 hits ten trillion dollars the FRS might stop making this information public.

Growth of the American dollars in circulation has exploded at an exponential rate. The combination of national debt, deficit spending, stimulus and bailouts are contributing factors. What finite debt number which is so large, payoff becomes useless and impossible? At zero percent interest, safe haven treasuries may be savaged by the inflation rate. Printing more promissory notes deflates the value of dollars already in flow.

Creating dollars via computer program that electronically adds zeros to exploding deficit spending is also inflationary. Taxpayers are caught between the two headed inflation deflation dollar. When the amount of dollars is greater then the total amount of foreign currency held by the rest of the globe, what will happen? How high will interest rates climb to ward off hyperinflation?

Has the taxpayer reached the point where the quantity of debt in global circulation can no longer sustain the purchasing power of U S dollars? What of the estimated $666 trillion derivative market which are ninety percent fraud, larceny, embezzlement and racketeering? How could there be an industry ten times GDP of all global economies trading on legitimate exchanges? The derivative industry epic center is the United States of America’s financial system.

What is the average yearly rate of change in the total U S dollar money supply? How many years will it take to double the current supply of U S dollars? What is the time line for the current national debt to double from to date? With a jobless recovery there is no way taxpayers can continue payment on the national debt.

Taxpayers may probably default on debt owed to recently bailout FRS. Something is broken in the US but it is not the income tax system.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pauli Exclusion Economics

A New World Order and the U S of A are incompatible entities that cannot dominate the same global economy. One must acquiesce to the other. A possible new hegemonic order could either be a restructured Americas such as the North American Union (NAU) or a global organization lead by the United Nations, IMF and Regional Unions. Transitioning to any form of world hegemony may take time, create vacuums and can be disruptive.

Creating a new monetary carry trade can produce shock waves on economies until safety, security and trust is established in national markets. SRD, regional currencies or a basket of currencies are fillers that may support the transformation from the known to the new currency.

What about the US Constitution, dollar and borders? The NAU requires the transformation or dismantling of all three columns of support. Could the US Military whom has sworn an allegiance to constitution, country and flag, legally make the transition with out compromising their loyalty and oath of duty?

How will a new world order affect the United States of America? Will a constitutional amendment ratified by the states to dissolve the constitution pass with out throwing the federal union to another civil war? Would opening up both north and south borders peacefully unite new territorial people?

Can the U S continue to be the world superpower while creating massive debt and not assuring foreign creditors? Can America continue to go it alone deploying military forces into hot zones as the dollar loses value and purchasing power?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No way out

The United States Federal Government has been cut off behind an International Financial Cabal (IFC) line. Its mission has been compromised pertaining to the $700 billion bailout and there is no support from front line taxpayers. The administration and congress could sacrifice their political careers by stopping IFC agents from infiltrating regulatory agencies and government employees from defecting to the IFC. Congress should allow capitalist principles to function instead of guessing how much stimulus is needed to prevent the next false flag economic meltdown.

Congressional button pushing and reacting to the consequences or impulsively cutting wires is national suicide. To fix the financial crisis congress has to admit and correct the opening of financial gates and pulling in the IFC horse was a fatal economic calculation. Correcting this financial crisis may require reinstating the Glass-Steagall act plus breaking up IFC units that are “To big to fail”.

Once government institutions are occupied, IFC will never voluntarily abandon the regulatory agency. A captured federal government has allowed 685 bailed out IFC units an opportunity to rejoin the federal banking system and finance more taxpayer’s debt. Congress has probably given away around $200 billion of taxpayers TARP money which will never be recovered. Congress should finance and deploy a legion of new law enforcement agents, substituting for those hundreds of agent occupied by terrorist plots since 9/11.

By cleaning up fraud, embezzlement and racketeering associated with the global meltdown of September 2008, government will create a way out of a tunnel with no light at the end. Government liberation will remove psychological shackles put in place to control taxpayers.

The march back to fiscal responsible lines will be difficult and treacherous. Many congressional careers will not survive. The choice of trusting the IFC or embracing the Constitution is a decision each member has to make. The IFC has no quorums about taking down the U S Constitution, economy and dollar in the name of control.

Should congress stand and legislate? A lot of dirty tricks salvoes will be used to demoralize the congress. Only a cohesive, bipartisan congress will survive a standoff on the journey back from the abyss. The environment is not conducive on the path back to stewardship of taxpayer’s money. Cooperating, covering and concealing IFC agents will only lead to exposure of a complicit congress.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Verdict is Guilty

The Federal Government of United States of America has been captured. Government can no longer promote, protect and preserve the constitution, its citizenry or the nation.

An international cabal which includes finance, media, academia, science and government is pillaging, plundering and plucking the treasury, taxpayers and the U S economy. The U S government has surrendered but continues covering up this take over through its operatives in the administration and congress.

President George W. Bush summed it up when he stated “I abandoned capitalist principles to save the capitalist system”. The question is whose capitalist system did he save? The administration certainly did not save America’s capitalist system which has been turned up side down.

A free market capitalist system has a mechanism for dismantling failed business models in an orderly manner. It is called bankruptcy court. Free market capitalism allows willing and able institutions, fill gaps left open by broken business models.

Assurance, trust and confidence are important words to taxpayers as well as observers outside of U S borders. Creditors watching the U S of A’s unfolding financial crisis will determine whether they continue to finance American debt.

Major economies continue to move towards a new monetary carry trade. Oil is no longer trading primarily in U S dollars. The U S dollar is deflating in purchasing ability and inflating in quantities circulating the globe.

The verdict is the U S government is guilty of a massive cover up.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reparations for Taxpayers

Wall Street will give out bonuses in the area of 140 billion dollars by the end of 2009. The Street is smiling because they believe taxpayers have swallowed the Ponzi scheme hook, line and sinker. These bonuses are the result of racketeering, fraud, embezzlement, theft and lying to congress.

A large portion of bailed out Wall Street profits and bonuses should return to taxpayers for pay down of debt incurred bailing out “To Big to Fail” institutions. Instead bonuses are only going to those who have prospered from this financial crisis, engineered recession and a coming depression.

The manufacturing of the securitizations and derivatives bubble was allowed by corrupt, complacent and captured regulators who failed as stewards of taxpayers. This bubble is ten times the size of the entire global economy. If this is not criminal, then where did the money come from?

Congress pretends their plates is full with busy work but the solution to this crisis is law enforcement, implementing prompt corrective action and reinstating laws such as Glass-Steagall. The federal government has willfully failed to fix the problem of off shore wealth going untaxed.

Dow Jones has closed above the 10,000 mark thanks to the largess of taxpayers and creative accounting. The unprecedented infusion of taxpayer’s money into Wall Street has a strong correlation to the expansion of the new stock market bubble. The volume and manipulation of stock do not justify inflating securities on market exchanges. Especially since no regulator is sure all front running, dark pools, shadow exchanges and fast trading has been shot down by those that manufacture bubbles.

There are good prudent banks that were not caught up in securitization and derivatives. These prudent banks are currently filling the gap left by TBTF institutions. Many top economist and financial analysis believe that there will be no recovery unless the TBTF insolvent banks are dismantled in an orderly fashion.

The Federal Government continues to demonstrate that it is no longer in charge of a U S of A’s recovery. Taxpayers are witnessing a massive cover up of a broken economy and failing financial system.

Stimulus is not FREE

On October 23, 2009 a budget proposal by the Latvian government will have global implications. The Latvian government will send a message to the IMF, EU, Switzerland and Swedish banks and the rest of the world. Will the government continue to penalize Latvian taxpayers because of an orchestrated financial crisis or default on its debt? Latvia is technically broke and will allocate 61% of GDP by 2011. All parties recognize payments at this level are unsustainable. Latvian will decide whether they will continue to participate in a global RMBS derivative ponzi scheme or let chip fall where they may.

Back in state side, it has been acknowledged by financial agents elected to congress; defaults on RMBS are good and help to maintain the value of real estate. As long as banks can keep none paying mortgages on their books without foreclosing or restricted by the liability, banks will retain all stimulus or bailout money to cover all financial requirements

Since the first stimulus and bailout package did not give much of a bang for the buck. Government has decided to keep stimulating until there is some measurable growth in the economy. Yes, taxpayers will have to allow a little congressional pork for having unwilling skin in the game.

A two front financial crisis, deflation and inflation, will lower wages and salaries while increasing unemployment, enlarge the supply of money and devalue the dollar, keep interest rates low, expand the budget and national debt. A two front financial crisis is dismantling the U S dollar carry trade and infusing a gold market with none filling demand.

The U S economy has been attacked by both deflation and inflation. Although the credit industry in general has raised interest rates on credit cards, less people have a large enough credit line to stimulate the last quarter of this year. Cash for clunkers deflated the number of insured, older and working automobiles but inflated the number of foreign cars on U S roads. What price is the taxpayer willing to pay for another stimulus?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Exporting Manufactured Bubbles around the Globe

Exporting Manufactured Bubbles around the Globe

President Obama nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize within eleven days of his presidency represents the most recent US bubble exported around the world. The bubble is based on confidence in a peaceful global future orchestrated by a world wide popular American president.

Winning the prize has given President Obama the opportunity to both redeploy the U S military out of Afghanistan and allow the so call moderate Taliban governance over that country. Another possibility is global support for a preempted strike on Iran. Iran is currently accepting euro payment for its oil and amassing huge quantities of gold instead of American dollars.

A bubble creates an illusion of reality. Bubble manufactures mask their intention to manipulate the economy and deceive common folk. By the time this popular presidential bubble breaks the Obama regime along with its handlers should have accomplished their goals.

What happens when the last bastion of hope dissipates because of an implosion of the mother of all bubbles? Do not be surprised to find within the dark pool of unregulated derivatives a massive fraud of U S government treasuries.

A global exodus from the dollar as the carry trade currency will also undermine the safe haven of U S treasuries. Taxpayers may have reached a point of no return concerning deficit spending by congress. What will happen the day congress can no longer spend money that it does not take in through taxes, fees and fines? Will the Feds raise interest rates?

How high would income taxes rise to pay the interest on the national debt? The administration, congress and the judicial will pretend they had no idea, were surprised and could not have seen what is coming.

History has documented the fallacy of a fiat currency. As in 1775 when a fiat bubble broke around a U S colonial currency and within a year American patriots were at war promoting the concept of independence.

The question is whether the power that is poses the ability and tenacity to inflate another bubble, siphon of commissions, transaction fees, sell their positions and transfer all losses to taxpayers. Deficit spending is a threat to all children.