Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Doing Gog’s work

The International Financial Cartel has decided to milk a male horse by inferring they are “Doing God’s Work”. IFC is right about doing Gog’s work.  Taxpayers should step back and make an objective observation of what is God’s work. US taxpayers will notice defaulting debts are escalating exponentially.

The stewards of federal government continue to delay, deny and distract while pretending “Doing God’s Work”. Defaulting debt within the derivatives industry accelerates. US money supply is inflated to prevent deflation. Interest rates near zero percent yet banks are unable to lend because of threatening hyperinflation.

Liquidity prevented from reaching Main Street was redirected to bonuses on Wall Street. Credit starved taxpaying shoppers looking for bargains. Government is channeling taxpayers through a hallway of smoke, mirrors and many doors. Financial chaos is sprouting all over the planet. Countries are defaulting on debt.

Another real estate bubble has burst inside the Middle East. Speculators were drawn into debt by an orchestrated inflationary oil price. Inflated oil encouraged a boom in construction to the point where work began on the world’s tallest building. Billions of dollars in commercial mortgage backed securities will reset in 2010.

The Nobel Peace recipient escalates the war in Afghanistan. Taxpayers have a glimmer of hope in paying off all current funded and unfunded liabilities. Using US gold in storage at a price of $270,000 an oz. taxpayers could wipe the slate clean. Gold perceived as a monetary symbol of confidence exposes the deflation of the global carry trade.

A $600 trillion plus unregulated, non monitored derivatives market is about to distribute carbon derivatives. Unemployment is officially over ten percent and the recession marches into 2010. The price of gold is sending a message of confidence to the federal government and elected officials.

Gold has been used as a hedge against uncertain times. It also demonstrates taxpayer’s lack of confidence in central bank fiduciary duty. Release of excessive reserves will surge inflation as the rising price of gold indicates inflation is surging. Yes, this Gog’s work or maybe Magog’s doings.

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