Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The beast SEG

A mysterious, magical and mesmerizing beast has paralyzed the federal government. This financial beast Seg spreads its venom through confiscated largess of taxpayer’s bailout. Its lobbyist have invaded, captured and flipped government officials working on Capitol Hill. Seg appears in different forms according to the perception of each elected official.

Many see a black swan; some see an elephant and other see a gorilla. No one in government will agree as to what they are observing. They all however agree it is huge, harmful and a havoc. Seg is the $600 trillion plus and growing derivative industry. Its epic center can be found on Wall Street.

Those that created the beast were sure they had invented a formula that eliminated risk and guan teed eternal profitability. Today the creators have abandon the concept and gone into retirement or are crying fraud with 80% of the derivatives industry. Taxpayers are experiencing the results of a financial neutron implosion detonated by Seg.

Taxpayers have survived the blast but their finances are rapidly disintegrating. Government will not create a framework which will regulate an expanding industry which is about to release carbon credit default swaps. CDO derivatives have been dressed up by PhD’s of mathematic from prestigious institution of higher learning.

Promoted by the “to big to fail” on Wall Street. Next derivatives were pedaled around the world by guru within financial institution. Elected representative deny that derivatives have become another illegal street craps shoot. If there is fraud there is unpaid taxes owed to tax collection agencies.

Unpaid taxes on 80% of $600 trillion plus will pay of the national debt. Taxpayers have finally realized the root of the financial crises, are government guanteed bailout. Increasing taxpayer’s debt through deficit spending has become habitual, addictive and repetitive.

Until capitalist principles are restored the capitalist system will continue to deteriorate. The supply of money will increase exponentially as purchasing power of the dollar will deflate in an inflationary economy. This maybe why an ancient, barbaric, relic as gold appreciates in an atmosphere of lack of confidence, trust and faith in government?

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