Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What are we doing here?

The taxpaying majority (TTM) is not supposed to be here. After two year of negotiations, posturing and smoke filled back rooms TTM is handed financial legislation that has accomplished, restored and protected nothing.

TTM is still caught up in the same decaying financial predicament, precipice and paradigm it found itself in during September 2008. In 2008 there was no Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Greek sovereign debt crises. The global derivatives market was less then $650 trillion dollars.

A $23 trillion taxpayer commitment was supposed to solve a global financial pandemic. Yet, the stock market is still eroding quantitatively. TTM is clear as to who has their finger on the trigger that could implode the US and Global economy. With China in that position TTM should ask those running for congress in November, how did we get here?

Was it a treacherous, treasonous, terrorist plot implemented by congress’s new masters? Well, here is the subliminal messages congress sent TTM. Congress has abandoned their fiduciary duty to protect, preserve and promote the US constitution.

Congress has embraced a new master an international financial cartel (IFC) and no longer serves its constituents. Congress has sold out the country with an inflating, debasing, deflationary fiat currency. Judgment day is coming when congress can no longer pretend they did not know.

Even though congress continues to slowly boil TTM like a frog, the collapse of the U S of A will not be considered an accident? A clear sign of an eminent collapse would be when congress and their new masters IFC go silent after slipping into their secret survival bunkers.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Abiotic Oil Wars

Truths rising from below the Gulf floor in the form of toxic gases has the potential to destroy life in and above water. BP has tapped into a mother lode of abiotic oil, which is being manufactured naturally through an automatic cycle. This volatile eruption of deadly gasses should have a sobering effect on the oil wars being fought in the Middle East.

If the concept of Abiotic Oil is accurate there is no need to send our bravest and finest into harms way to guarantee the free flow of oil. Abiotic Oil like “Peak Oil” highlights the rate of consumption at which humans are depleting our natural resources. The volume of oil coming out of the floor at best is steady.

Pressure has not dropped since April. BP has tapped into more oil then US of A will ever use. General McCrystal’s staff is probably also aware of the massive reserves of oil within the territories of US of A. Congress would rather taxpayers pay more at the pump then tap into domestic reserves.

It is only through high gas prices that federal, state and local governments can collect more tax revenue to compensate for a debased currency. This gulf event maybe yet another false flag attempt to break the back of America in terms of logistics, defense and tactics. Using oil booms is not thinking out side of the box.

Bails of hay will absorb oil and so will human hair. If depleted oil wells are beginning to refill with oil then Peak Oil is not a major concern. What is surprising is no one has the stones to force a bailed-out International Financial Cartel into releasing suppressed technology that could end this catastrophe.

United States should seriously consider allowing the Russian’s to set of a precise nuclear devise based on their experience and expertise. History has documented nuclear fallout from a failed Russian reactor in the milk of cows in Wisconsin USA. Why, because all water, air and lands are connected.

A methane explosion in the Gulf of Mexico will affect multiple nations. While each high tide bring in another layer of oil that will preserve some of the vegetation it cover for hundreds of years.