Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Predictions gone amok

Preacher is wrong again. He overlooked Friday July 15, 2011. On the July full moon there may be a massive tsunami, earthquake and disruption with global communications. The preacher is off by ten days for the month of October. On October 11, 2011 what happened in July will pale to the magnitude to the catastrophes that may take place. But the world still will not end. If the human family is wiped out life will continue without us. The universe is not dependent on us breathing. It’s the other way around.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sports: Entertainment or Distraction?

Another interpretation of Ray Lewis's comment is people may begin to notice that their country is on the verge of collapse if there is no NFL season. The federal government has run amuck. Spending trillions of dollars taxpayers do not have. The executive, legislative and judicial branches of government are complicit in raiding the treasury till. If the amount of dollars in circulation were tied to the quantity of gold at Fort Knox the facility would need a major expansion. Taxpayer may notice the price of food, gas, clothes, shoe and heating fuel skyrocketing as the value of the dollar purchases less. People may notice that a two-bit-ragtag insurgent in Afghanistan has tied up the greatest military power for over eight years. Taxpayers may realize that in 2008 U S of A witnessed the largest bank heist known. It was global in scope and the victimized taxpayer was left holding a bag of toxic assets. No one has gone to jail because the criminal control the banks, government and the military.