Tuesday, July 27, 2010

GDP breaks Taxpayers

Deficit spending is a clear sign the taxpaying majority (TTM) is up side down when it come to national fiscal prudence. How long can the largess of the taxpaying majority (TTM) also sustain the weight of a synthetic free capitalist stock market? There is nothing free about today stock market.

It has cost TTM trillions of borrowed dollar from the very same institutions that are artificially stimulating market through fast trading in dark pools. Has anyone done a comparison between the lengths of pages to bills passed by congress, the purchasing power of the US dollar and physical debasement of its currency?

How much more insanity will TTM tolerate as the purchasing power of take home pay deflates and tax liabilities exponentially inflate towards breaking point. There is no mysterious source of cash investing in the stock market. Cash creation is fiat promissory note electronically borrowed from a private International Financial Cartel.

How long will TTM slip deeper into the inception deception? TTM should not lose focus of the mission to protect, preserve and perfect its experimental independent republic from the tyranny within.