Sunday, July 24, 2011

Debt Ceiling Deception

Is the debt ceiling Debate (DCD) another bailout? Is it another scam, fraud or ponzi scheme? Does it allow the International Financial Cartel to continue giving record bonuses? Could it be the engine of hyper-inflation? Should the debate be about the debt ceiling or should it be about how the American Taxpayer Majority (ATM) will finally pay down the national debt? Could raising the debt ceiling be called another form of taxation? Could raising the debt ceiling be another bail of the International Financial Cartel (IFC)? Can ATM assume that they do not have to pay back the new debts accrued when lifting the national debt ceiling? Will ATM unilaterally default on the national debt by not paying their income tax? If everyone over eighteen in US of A paid taxes would taxes collected be enough to pay down the national debt?  Has the debate shifted from pulling the wool over the ATM’s eyes to the new height for a debt that can never be repaid?  Does ATM finally realize this congressional debate is another false flag operation called “Debt Ceiling Debate”? Can the Federal Reserve continue to inflate its currency and expect ATM to make a choice between food, shelter and energy or paying their fair share of an increasing debt? Could Chairman Benjamin Bernanke be right when he said gold is not money? Does the constitution speak of a Federal Reserve Note or gold and silver?  Should the Federal Reserve System dictate what money is? After the last depression $1600 would purchased 45 ounces of gold. If gold and silver is not money than does the constitution matter anymore? If the constitution does not matter anymore, do the executive, congressional and judicial branches matter? If the U S Constitution does not matter, do our brave men and women fighting foreign wars have a mission with national interest? Thank you for your service.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Predictions gone amok

Preacher is wrong again. He overlooked Friday July 15, 2011. On the July full moon there may be a massive tsunami, earthquake and disruption with global communications. The preacher is off by ten days for the month of October. On October 11, 2011 what happened in July will pale to the magnitude to the catastrophes that may take place. But the world still will not end. If the human family is wiped out life will continue without us. The universe is not dependent on us breathing. It’s the other way around.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sports: Entertainment or Distraction?

Another interpretation of Ray Lewis's comment is people may begin to notice that their country is on the verge of collapse if there is no NFL season. The federal government has run amuck. Spending trillions of dollars taxpayers do not have. The executive, legislative and judicial branches of government are complicit in raiding the treasury till. If the amount of dollars in circulation were tied to the quantity of gold at Fort Knox the facility would need a major expansion. Taxpayer may notice the price of food, gas, clothes, shoe and heating fuel skyrocketing as the value of the dollar purchases less. People may notice that a two-bit-ragtag insurgent in Afghanistan has tied up the greatest military power for over eight years. Taxpayers may realize that in 2008 U S of A witnessed the largest bank heist known. It was global in scope and the victimized taxpayer was left holding a bag of toxic assets. No one has gone to jail because the criminal control the banks, government and the military.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Energy Independence Obstructed

The obstacle is not the development of piezo-electric technology. Human being have the ability to perceive and achieve any idea. The problem is politics and economics. Will those that control a nineteenth century energy source allow us surfs to consume Gods gifts of free electric energy. Our universe is a giant energy generator. Yet we microbes on the outskirt of the Milky Way continue to kill for energy derived from oil.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bailing Out Bailers

Now is a great time for an international corporate cartel (ICC) to demonstrate inclusiveness within their new world order. ICC’s new world order has turned capitalism upside down. Profits and losses are irrelevant, accepted accounting procedures have been trashed and truth in lending no longer applies.

Thousands of public workers in California, Illinois, Wisconsin and other states face adverse state budget cuts that will strip most public employees of nearly all of their collective negotiated gains. Do the governors of these states dare do the same to the pensions of law enforcement?

Yes if they are going to rely on their national guards to protect their bacons. Could public and private IRA’s and 401 K’s be in site of the cross hair? Budget cuts by state governments are only the tip of the iceberg. Stealthily moving through congress is a bill that will allow states to default and file for bankruptcy.

Currently state governments cannot seek protection under federal bankruptcy laws. Once states are able to go belly up an ICC negotiator will come in and offer government property at a discount to the very institutions receiving bailouts. These decisions are similar to medical decision implemented under the new Health Care law.

Home owners who were current on their mortgages should have been bailed out. International banks would have failed but home owners would realize trillions in home equity credit and simulated the economy. Instead The Taxpaying Majority (TTM) is bracing for QE 3 which will increase inflation around the world, continue to devalue all currencies.

Food, shelter, clothing and fuel will increase exponentially. Who is going to bail out the bailers? It’s the public employees; federal, state and local law enforcer including the taxpaying majority that guarantees the ICC bail out. What brought down the USSR were not a nuclear war but a sovereign bond debt crisis and an endless war in Afghanistan.

When it come to saving these TTM there is no one left. The game is up. TTM now owes and guarantees trillions of dollars to the very same ICC they saved from bankruptcy. What happened to the 1917 law which allows the federal government to confiscate the hoarding cash of the bailed out during a national emergency?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Are You Serious?

Let’s see if I got this right? An international financial cartel (IFC) developed exotic financial instruments that are not examined, regulated nor understood by government authorities. IFC’s business model begins to implode because of a predictable design flaw. IFC agents in the executive, judicial and congressional branches of government go into action.

Their job is to convince the American taxpaying majority to accept liability for debt created by the IFC. First they create a story of how the global economy would have crashed in 2008 if they had not stopped a run on their banks. To date no one has been identified as the perpetrator of this run.

This bank run could be another J P Morgan fat finger script from the 1920’s. Next they threaten the taxpaying majority (TTM) with martial law if Americans did not guarantee a $23 trillion dollars plus largess. IFC cadres promise to repay TTM and turn the economy around.

IFC talks about fighting deflation even as they orchestrate an economic downturn. After IFC receives $350 billion it decides to keep the money instead of making loans. A lack of lending only makes the economic environment worst. IFC concocts a new scheme. Remember IFC is broke and the sovereign debt crisis is their way of getting bailed-out.

IFC an insolvent banking model that borrowed billions of dollars from TTM at 0.25% begins to purchase treasury securities while charging TTM interest at 3.25 %. How is this achieved? Through deficit spending. If the airport body scanner was the gas chambers of Auschwitz would you walk through?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ninja and derivatives

Ninja was able to acquire mortgages in the billions of dollars. Yet Ninja was only the fuse, the wick, the accelerant that started the fire. By acting as the igniter, Ninja has become the Osama Bin Laden of a global MBS industry. In 2005 the FBI raised concern about a massive mortgage fraud rolling down the housing industry path.
Teaser loans, liar loans, interest only loans or no income loans became legitimate lending transaction. Trying to protect Banks form their lack of fiduciary duty and due diligence will not solve a global financial fraud. Does a house foreclosed because of a fraudulent default by Ninja qualify as a clear title instrument held as a bank asset?
Does a bank have a right to sell a sliced and diced mortgage plus assign the new mortgage to another MBS? The great depression generation would say “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”. Bottom line is municipalities, pension fund and global investor were sold bonds that were created, designed and expected to implode.
In fact the chumps, suckers and bamboozled are those that are being penalized for doing the right thing by paying their property taxes.
Why would a lobbied, purchased and paid for congress encourage the housing industry a make loan to someone with no income, no job and no assets? The taxpaying majority (TTM) now realize the serious money is made when the mortgage is in default.
This is why does TTM own AIG. The big money is being made by those who took out insurance on an inevitable housing crash. Tranches were designed and sold according the length of time it would take Ninja to stop paying the mortgage. Is this another form of fraud, racketeering and theft? It’s no different from a hot water heater that breaks down one month after it warranty expires.
An appliance malfunction is scientifically and mathematically calculated base on stress, metal fatigue or chip design. Banks are foreclosing on properties that are underwater in value, marking them above market price and exchanging these toxic assets for treasuries. Qualified borrower might end purchasing property at inflated prices with a defected title.
Investment banks, title companies, rating agencies and insurance companies may be liable for breach of warranty representation in an MBS pool but TTM will pay the bill. The MBS debt could be as high as $40 trillion. When it comes to congress doing the biding of it master both political parties have no hesitation.
Congress passed legislation which grandfathers, circumvents and repeals title procedures regarding property. If a notary can sign and stamp a document before a borrower’s signature is penned on the agreement, notary guidelines been repealed. Does the current owner of a repossessed property continue paying down a mortgage on house where an illegal eviction took place?
Will banks once again become insolvent because MERS owes municipalities hundreds o f billions in deflating dollars. TTM have a clearer picture of a planned multi-decade scams that has left it holding a bag full of caca. The Federal Reserve chairman has not denied systematic weakness lead to improper foreclosures.
In other words some repossessed homes are now occupied by borrowers who legally could be trespassing. When the chairman of the Federal Reserve takes violations of proper procedures seriously it is an admission to deficiencies within a global MBS market. What the chairman did not acknowledge was the currency plunge that took place on 10/22/2010, Friday evening after markets closed.